Special Numbers & Features
Our telephone exchange offers a number of easy to use features which are available to both residential and business customers.
Calling Number Display
This enables customers to have the caller’s number displayed on their telephone, so the caller can be identified before picking up the phone. Please note that the handset will require a “Caller Identity Display” feature. This feature is activated for all customers by default. There are no charges for this feature.
Calling Line Identity Withheld
This gives customers the facility to withhold their telephone number from the person they are calling. The following code must be dialed each time a call is made when the identity is to be withheld. There are no charges for this feature.
To withhold a number: 141 dialed number, e.g. 141 54321
Calling Line Identity Withheld Blocking
This allows customers to reject a call that comes from a caller who has withheld their number. The caller will receive an announcement telling them that the call has been rejected. Please note that the call is allowed to proceed if it comes from a customer or country where Calling Line Identity (CLI) is unavailable There are no charges for this feature.
To activate : *227#
To deactivate : #227#
To interrogate/check this feature : *#227#
Hear Details of Your Last Incoming Call
Dial 1471 (no charge for this feature).
Dial 3 after 1471 (normal call rates apply) to return the last incoming call.
Call Diversion
This enables customers to divert incoming calls to another number (including mobile phones). The person receiving the call pays for the diverted part of the call at the local rate. However, if diverted to an overseas number, the international rate at the time applies.
To divert all calls unconditionally : *21* then follow voice prompts
To cancel this feature : #21#
To interrogate/check this feature : *#21#
To divert calls when busy : *67* then follow voice prompts
To cancel this feature : #67#
To interrogate/check this feature : *#67#
To divert calls on no reply : *61* then follow voice prompts
To cancel this feature: #61#
To interrogate/check this feature : *#61#
Call Waiting
This enables customers (the called party), to receive an audible indication of a call waiting whilst you are engaged on a call. The calling party receives a recorded message indicating that the call has been put on hold. There are no charges for this feature.
To activate this feature: *43#
To cancel this feature: #43#
To interrogate/check this feature: *#43#
The called party may then either:
Accept the new call by pressing: Recall
Switch between the two calls by pressing: Recall
Reminder Call
This allows customers to:
- Book a single reminder call to mature within 24 hours of booking;
- Cancel all reminder call(s) to mature within 24 hours of booking
- Book a regular reminder call to occur at a specified time of the day on any day.
When a reminder call matures and a busy or no answer is received, then the exchange repeats an attempt after a timeout.
Single reminder calls cannot be booked for the “lost” hour that occurs when the clocks are put forward one hour.
To activate a single reminder call : *55* then follow voice prompts
To cancel all single reminder calls : #55#
To interrogate/check a reminder call : *#55#
To activate regular reminder calls : *56* and follow voice prompts
Option Numbers:
1 - Every Monday
2 - Every Tuesday
3 - Every Wednesday
4 - Every Thursday
5 - Every Friday
6 - Every Saturday
7 - Every Sunday
8 - Every Weekday
9 - Every Day (Monday through Sunday)
To interrogate/check regular reminder calls : *#56#
To cancel all regular reminder calls : #56#
Ringback When Free (RBWF)
Enables customers (the calling party), when receiving an engaged tone from a dialled number, to activate the feature that, when the dialled number is free, rings both parties to complete the calling party’s call. The calling party pays for the call as a normal call.
To activate this feature: on receiving busy tone, hang up and dial *66
To cancel all outstanding ringback requests: *86
* this service may not be available when calling large business or government numbers.
Outgoing Call Barring
(subscription service)
This feature enables customers to place a bar on outgoing calls.
To bar outgoing calls : *34<prog>#
Prog 1 = All outgoing calls
Prog 2 = National and International Calls (local calls permitted)
Prog 3 = International Calls (local & mobile permitted)
Prog 4 = Operator and Directory Enquiries
Prog 5 = Network Services / Star Codes
To cancel outgoing call barring : #34<prog># - Follow prompt and enter <PIN>#
To interrogate/check call barring : *#34#
Please call Customer Services on 131 if you require a PIN change.
This is a subscription service, please contact Customer Services for details.
3 Party Call
(subscription service)
Call Party 1, Press Recall.
Call Party 2, Press Recall again to join all the parties into the conference bridge.
If Party 2 is busy or doesn't answer, press Recall twice to return to Party 1 or hang up for call-back.
This is a subscription service, please contact Customer Services for details.