Mobile Service FAQs
I am on a Pay As You Go service, how can I top up my mobile?
For customers who have an existing Sure account, you can top up your mobile from 7am to 10pm, 7 days a week, by contacting freephone 131. Alternatively you can purchase mobile top up cards from a number of retail outlets in Stanley and MPC, including our shops. These can be used by calling 450 and following the prompts, or by dialling *450* (PIN on card)#. We also offer an automatic top up service, whereby we will top up your mobile with an agreed amount on the first working day of every month. You never have to run out of validity again! To sign up to this service please complete and return an application form.
How can I upgrade or downgrade my mobile?
If you want to upgrade from Pay As You Go to a Pay Monthly or you are an existing Pay Monthly customer and wish to upgrade to a larger pay monthly package, please click here.
To downgrade from a Pay Monthly package to a Pay As You Go package, please click here. These downgrades can only take places after your initial 12 month contract has been completed.
To change from one Pay Monthly package to another, please click here.
How can I send an international text?
To text international use + instead of 00 as the international access code, followed by the country code and number. You can only text to networks where we have an agreement, you can find our list of partners here.
Can I use my phone abroad?
Our Falkland Islands SIM card can be used to roam when you are away from the Islands. We currently have a large number of roaming partners which means that if you are a Pay Monthly mobile customer you can use your SIM card to roam in a number of countries across the world. If you plan to roam in another country you can find our charges here. Unless already activated, please contact Customer Services to activate roaming on your account before your travel.
I will be visiting the Falklands from overseas, will my mobile work on your network?
If you have a contract phone, rather than a Pay As You Go, then you may be able to use our network with your own SIM card if your original provider is on our list of roaming partners which you can find here.
To roam in the Falklands you will need to make sure your service provider has activated roaming on your account. Please contact your service provider before you travel to activate roaming. Your mobile provider may apply additional call charges for roaming services, please refer to your service provider for applicable call and data charges.
Is Mobile Data available to everyone?
Yes, this feature is automatically available to all of our mobile customers using a local SIM card, but it will not work unless you have a mobile phone that is data capable on our network, and you have configured the settings on your handset.
How much will Mobile Data cost?
All our package charges, including mobile call, text and data charges can be found on our Mobile Price Plans page.
What if I have a Mobile Data usage query?
We are unable to provide details of pay as you go data usage.
Pay Monthly customers who have itemised billing will receive a breakdown of date, time and MB used on your monthly invoice. We are unable to give further details on usage. It is your responsibility to manage your usage carefully.
Will Mobile Data be accessible everywhere across the Falklands?
Generally anywhere there is currently mobile reception you can use mobile data, however in some locations data services may be unavailable depending upon the received signal strength. If, for example, you are heading away from Sussex towards North Arm, the further you are from the base station the signal will decrease, so you may have a strong enough signal for a voice call but not for data.
How do I activate Mobile Data services?
To activate data services you will need to configure the APN (Access Point Name) data settings as follows:
Create a new Access Point Name (APN) as follows:
Pay Monthly
- Name: sureflk
- APN: sureflkpm
Pay As You Go
- Name: sureflk
- APN: sureflk
Please leave any other options not listed as default settings.
If you require assistance in entering the APN settings for the first time, or assistance changing your existing settings, please bring your handset into our Stanley or MPA shop and our staff will do their best to assist you. Handsets vary considerably and there are numerous models on the market. We cannot be responsible for any problems caused from incorrect configurations of handsets or issues specific to your make or model of mobile phone.
Or please contact Customer Services for any more information.
Useful Numbers
- - To check your balance call freephone 453 or dial *453#
- - To top up your mobile using a top up card call 450 and follow prompts Or dial *450* (PIN on card)#
- - To activate your new pre-paid mobile SIM card call *451#
- - For our Customer Helpline & Operator assisted top ups call freephone 131
- - For voicemail call 400
- - 500MB 30 day booster £10 *456*1#
- - 1GB 30 day booster £15 *456*2#
- - 1.5GB 30 day booster £20 *456*3#
Please note that some services are applicable to Pay As You Go packages only.