Data Hosting Solutions
We have a number of enterprise class data centres which focus on security, resilience and performance.
Whether you need to host a rack of servers, or simply require an off-site backup solution, we have the capability. For geographic redundancy, we can provide hosting in more than one Falklands location.
Managed 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, we guarantee high availability at all times. With Sure, your operations are in the safest hands providing your customers or end users with the best possible online experience.
Your Global Partner
As part of the Batelco Group, we are a truly global player operating worldwide telecoms networks and data centres in business units.
Although we are a global firm, we specialise in delivering services to and from offshore islands, and are at the forefront in the delivery of offshore data centre services.
Please download our Data Hosting Brochure for more information.