Complaints Procedure
At all times Sure staff will aim to provide an excellent service to its customers. In the event that you are unhappy with the service, our Customer Services Team will aim to resolve your complaint quickly. Please follow the process below:
1. Contact our Customer Services Team either in writing or by telephone on freephone 131. The Customer Services Assistant will deal with your complaint within 5 working days.
2. If you remain unhappy about the quality of service, your complaint can be escalated by writing to our Sales & Service Support Supervisor, who will investigate your complaint and respond in full within 7 working days.
3. If you are still unhappy with the way your complaint was handled please contact the Retail, Marketing & Customer Services Manager who will work with you to try to resolve your complaint satisfactorily. Your complaint will be responded to within 7 working days.
4. If your complaint remains unresolved to your satisfaction please contact the Chief Executive of Sure who will respond to you within 7 working days.
Last Updated: 29th June 2019